(240) 603-0727 [email protected]

      Everyone wants a clean and tidy home. After all, most people believe a clean house makes a happy home.

      Despite this, cleaning is a chore most people tend to avoid or even lack time to handle.

      Due to many obligations and a busy work schedule, personally deep cleaning your home may be challenging.

      Sometimes the little free time you get to have maybe spent on better things than doing house cleaning.

      That is why most people would seek out domestic cleaning services in Northern Virginia.

      When hiring a cleaning company, you will want to make sure you get the most value possible from them.

      In this article, we will discuss things you can do to get the most value out of your cleaning company.

      We will also look at what you should do before cleaners arrive at your home and the proper etiquette for communicating your expectations.

      How to communicate your priorities to your cleaning services provider

      Sometimes you may have tasks you need to be achieved by the end of the cleaning day.

      It may be stressful for the cleaners when you micromanage every aspect of the job they are doing in your house.

      Therefore, it is good to outline your expectations.

      You can prioritize what you want cleaning first. You can specify a particular room to be the first one to be cleaned, where the cleaner has to clean certain objects or surfaces within that room.

      You can also specify the type of cleaning you want to be done within a room. It can either be vacuuming the carpets, mopping floors, dusting the room and floorboards, or even cleaning off objects like a washing machine, fridge, or cooker.

      Most cleaning companies recommend that the chores you find least enticing to do or the ones that take up a lot of time to complete should be the first on the list.

      State the primary chores to be done and add the secondary at the bottom of the list.

      These chores are the ones the cleaner will tend to or focus on if they have extra time.

      What to communicate

      • Areas that you need special attention and cleaning invested. For example, in the case of a bathroom, you may leave a sticky note “Please scrub the bathtub and sinks.”
      • Any allergies you might have towards products.
      • Any rooms or areas you do not want interfered with. You can decide to lock such rooms. In cases where locks do not work, consider leaving a note. For example, a simple sticky note like “Please don’t worry about the pantry, thanks” will suffice.
      • Communicate about areas that may need specific cleaning products or guidelines.
      • Where to check for extra supplies in case they need any. It may be in a closet, bathroom, or laundry room.

      Note that:

      Communication can be done before the cleaner gets to your place through an email, or by leaving sticky notes in rooms or objects that you need to be cleaned.

      In cases where you are hiring from new domestic cleaning services in Northern Virginia, it is advisable to communicate face to face with the cleaners.

      An example of a set of tasks priority list may look like this:

      • Cleaning the window screens for every room, including both sides of the window panes, curtains, blinders, lock ledges, and sills.
      • Vacuuming all the carpets (under the beds).
      • Dust or damp wipe baseboards, chair rails, and door panels.
      • Dust lampshades, picture frames, and furniture.
      • Scrubbing the bathtubs, sinks, showers, and toilet bowls.
      • Dust the higher places in your homes like the light fixtures and ceiling fans.
      • Clean and flip mattresses in the bedrooms.
      • Sofa set cleaning
      • Clean face of appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher, or microwave).

      Keep in mind that your list of priorities will depend on what type of cleaning will be done in your home.

      It may be a regular cleaning (involves dusting mostly), spring, or deep cleaning (involves dump cleaning).

      Things to do to get the most out of your domestic cleaning services

      • Don’t clean up

      The basis of calling out for a cleaning company’s services is to get your house cleaned up. It is not realistic to call the cleaners to an already clean home.

      • Remove clutter and tidy up your house or office before the cleaners get there.

      Most times clutter is part of our life.

      You may leave dirty clothes scattered on the floor, or clean clothes scattered everywhere while looking for a particular piece to dress up in. for you to get the most out of the cleaning services, it is advisable to clear up the clutter.

      It will make it easier for the cleaners to get to the problematic areas and save them the time that will be wasted on clearing up all the mess.

      • Stock up on cleaning supplies

      Your cleaner will most likely come equipped with all the cleaning products and supplies needed.

      However, it is good to have an extra supply of such products as they may come in handy.

      You can also stock up on those extra garbage bags and cleaning gloves.

      • Communicate to the cleaning company in case you have a pet

      It is good to let your cleaning company know about your pets.

      This ensures they bring any special equipment or supplies that may need to tackle fur on your surfaces.

      From doing so, you will be able to get the most out of the cleaning services while at the same time you will avoid catching the cleaners off-guard.

      Related article: Pet Hair: How to Clean Pet Hair & Reduce It In Your Home

      • Communicate on the state of the mess in your house.

      The purpose of a cleaning company is to clean the mess in your home or office.

      But it is good to let them know about the extent of said mess to avoid them turning up unprepared.

      Despite surprise being fun, it can be pretty horrifying when they turn up to a daunting mess without the proper cleaning products.

      Informing them of the situation will save you both from an unsatisfied experience.

      • Be friendly and helpful to the cleaners.

      It is human nature to deliver above and beyond when treated correctly. The same applies to your cleaners.

      When you are friendly towards your cleaners, you create a good work environment as they will be free to interact, ask questions, or explanations not well understood.

      You can leave them snacks, iced tea, or water bottles to have when they take a break.


      Domestic cleaning services nowadays are a go-to service when in need of that deep home or office cleaning.

      Procrastinating cleaning should not be a priority when one has the means to hire a cleaning company’s services.

      By following the above guidelines, you are guaranteed to get the most out of your cleaning services.

      After getting these services, it is recommended you do a follow-up communication. It can be feedback on whether you liked the services, a review, a correction, or commending them in work well done.

      This helps to build a good relationship with your cleaning company.