(240) 603-0727 [email protected]

      At Nordland Cleaning Service, we understand that house cleaning can sometimes feel overwhelming.

      When this happens, it can feel discouraging to start the project.

      For this reason, our team has put together this guide to help you prepare by de-cluttering and organizing before you start the house cleaning.

      This will make the cleaning process go much smoother when the time comes to start.

      Continue reading this guide to see what advice our professional House Cleaning in Northern Virginia company has to offer.

      How to Prepare For House Cleaning

      Declutter & Organize

      Before you begin cleaning your home, it’s always recommended to declutter and organize the space first.

      Go through each room and do a quick 5-minute tidy.

      In the kitchen, you can wash and put away dishes that have piled up and in your room, you can go through and pick up any dirty laundry laying on the ground.

      This will significantly help your house cleaning as you can more easily access and clean these spaces now.

      Create a House Cleaning Schedule

      This step is most important as you want to create a plan and stick to it. Grab your calendar and write down what days you are going to do specific tasks.

      For example, if you wish to vacuum your home once a week, you could make Wednesdays your vacuuming day or, if you wish to deep clean the bathrooms once a month, pick a day and keep this consistent.

      When you have a schedule in front of you, it will become easy to know which areas have to be cleaned and on which days.

      Also read: How a Northern Virginia Cleaning Company Can Help Busy Couples

      Gather All the Cleaning Supplies

      Before you begin your house cleaning, it’s important that you have all of the right cleaning supplies to begin each task.

      You can start by creating a list of each item you already have and which items you need to buy.

      This will help you so that when the time comes to clean, you are well prepared.

      Some general supplies that you should have on hand include an all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, carpet cleaner, furniture polish, etc.

      Related article: Green Cleaning 101: How to Make & Use Natural Cleaning Solutions

      Start by Deep Cleaning One Room at a Time

      In order to avoid overwhelming yourself, it’s recommended that you deep clean one room at a time.

      This tactic will allow you to focus your attention and keep your motivation to complete the room high.

      Start with the room that needs the most attention, then slowly work your way through the remaining rooms.

      Don’t forget to empty each trash can, vacuum the carpets, mop the floors, clean the windows, dust surfaces, etc.

      You should also read: The Best Deep Cleaning Service In Northern Virginia

      How We Can Help

      If you are looking to hire a regular house cleaning service in Northern Virginia, our team at Nordland Cleaning Service would be happy to schedule you in.

      Whether you are looking for weekly cleaning services or monthly house cleaning services, our team is here to help.

      When you choose to hire our team, you are choosing to hire a team that has a passion for cleaning and that will ensure great attention to detail.

      To book a consultation, give our team a call today at (240) 603-0727.