(240) 603-0727 [email protected]

      If you’ve ever wondered how professional house cleaning in Alexandria VA can reduce allergens, you’re in the right place.

      Carpet fibers, curtains, upholstery, and linens are notorious for harboring nasty miniature creatures such as dust mites.

      In addition, they also capture volumes of dust and other air-borne debris over time. This fact makes cleaning essential, especially if there are small children or pets in the home.

      What Does Cleaning Do?

      A dry-cleaning job on the carpet – such as vacuuming – removes most of the macro allergens. They’re sucked up by the cleaner and no longer pose a problem.

      However, some allergens tend to attach themselves firmly to carpet fibers. These are the ones to watch out for.

      Usually, treating them with a cleaning solution takes care of the problem; but in severe cases, it will need to be done by a professional house cleaning service.

      Reducing Mold

      Not many people think about cleaning their dishwasher since it tends to do a pretty good job cleaning itself during the wash cycle.

      However, in order to keep your dishwasher running optimally and avoid buildup of mold or foul odors, there are a few steps you can take to keep it clean until the next scheduled cleaning from Nordland Cleaning’s professional cleaning technicians.

      Keeping your dishwasher clean will also help keep your family healthy, fewer pathogens in the dishwasher mean fewer chances of bacteria getting inside your families body.

      Reduces Stress

      Everyone likes to come home to a nice clean home, but with our busy lifestyle, this isn’t always possible.

      Nordland Cleaning Service has great service packages available for monthly or weekly cleanings that can keep your whole home in pristine condition.

      Not only does this give you more time to dedicate to your family, you can also rest assured in the knowledge that you are providing a clean environment for your kids and family to thrive.

      Knowing you have to come home and clean the house after working in the office all day can increase your stress levels and takes away from your general sense of wellbeing.

      Let us help reduce that load by doing the heavy lifting for you.

      Deep Cleaning

      Deep cleaning your home is the easiest way to keep your home looking clean, sanitized and smelling fresh.

      That’s why hiring a professional house cleaner in Alexandria VA that offers a variety of services for cleaning in both residential and commercial properties is the best way to safeguard your health.

      Mold, stains, and hoarded junk are the main problems that need to be addressed for deep cleaning in most homes, but did you know that each task should be cleaned differently?

      That’s why hiring a professional cleaner can help you target and treat just about every kind of cleaning issue, from the mundane to the exotic.

      Does It Take Long?

      No, it usually doesn’t take long unless you have major hoarding issues or the house hasn’t seen the sharp end of a cleaning schedule for years.

      Remember, a house that needs to be cleaned professionally usually takes longer than just vacuuming a few rugs and wiping down counters.

      Now that you know that professional house cleaning can reduce allergens along with other health benefits, waste no time in a DIY project.

      Or better yet, why not get a professional house cleaning service provider like Nordland Cleaning Service to get the job done right the first time?

      Give us a call today at (240) 603-0727 to see how we can help.